This program is allows you to use sounds in the backgroud which means that you may hear music or any other kind of sounds while you are working on another program...
How To Play a sound:
Simply drag the sound file on the Player Icon
or double-click on it.
Click on OPEN, a window will appear,
choose a sound and open it, or double click on it..
then the sound will start by itself.
The Preferences:
In the menu bar you can set the preferences,
You may set up a Loop so the sounds will repeat themselves..
In the MOD type sounds, you can hear them in Stereo,
Anti-Aliased,and you may set the quality from 11 Khz to 22Khz.
How To Record:
Click on RECORD, a window will ask you to choose the quality
of the sound you want "Good,Better,Best", click OK and another window will appear with the recording controls..
How To use the Microphone:
Click on Micro and The Player will let you use the microphone in direct mode, showing the sound in the oscilloscope window...Click on Micro again to turn it off.
This allows you to set the sound level of an amplifier (if you have one)...
The Microphone button is also handy for commenting on work in direct mode.
The Player in the Background mode:
Simply open another application or click on the desktop and The Player will dissapear,in the background..
Technical Caracteristics:
- Allows the reading of sounds such as:
AIFF 11 Khz,
AIFF 22 Khz,
AIFF-C 3:1 11Khz,
AIFF-C 3:1 22Khz,
AIFF-C 6:1 11Khz,
AIFF-C 6:1 22Khz,
Snd Resource 11 Khz,
Snd Resource 22 Khz,
SoundWave 11 Khz,
SoundWave 22 Khz,
SoundEdit 11Khz,
SoundEdit 22Khz,
SoundEdit Pro 11Khz,
SoundEdit Pro 22Khz,
Wavicle 11Khz,
Wavicle 22Khz
MOD Music (Amiga Modules)
√ Record on the machines using any sound driver: digitalisation direct-to-disk, only limited by the disk size.
√ Using optimized routines -> On some machines, you have to switch to 32 bits
√ To open a file that contains a sound, just drop it on the icon...
√ Code source is sold for the price 20 Frs (Swiss francs) in the THINK C 5.0 format.
More Things:
We are glad to announce the birth of the Space game:
You may find the DEMO version on the following boards.
Or you may purchase the final version by writting to:
Antoine ROSSET
16 Boulevard des Tranchées
1206 Geneva
FAX: (41) (22) 789 35 03
BBS: Perokstroika at 2400 bauds (41) (22) 320 11 95,